Geotechnical Laboratory
The development of a civil engineering project requires a detailed knowledge of the physical and mechanical properties of soils and rocks.
The geotechnical laboratory of ISMGEO can provide the complete physical and mechanical carachterization of soils and rocks by standard and advanced tests.
Static and dynamic tests can be performed under perfectly controlled and repeatable conditions.
The Lab works under the authorization of the Italian Board of Public Works.
ASTM (Volume 04.08 Soil and Rock), AGI (Associazione Geotecnica Italiana) ed UNI standatrds are applied in soil testing, ASTM and ISRM (Suggested Methods for Rock
Characterization Testing and Monitoring) for rock testing.
The lab can perform the following standard tests:
Soil testing
- physical parameters and classification (moisture content, bulk and dry density, particle density, Atterberg limits, particle size distribution, maximum and minimum density)
- oedometer consolidation with increasing load (oedometer IL) and at constant rate of strain (oedometer CRS)
- triaxial tests isotropic, anisotropic and with controlled stress path (TxCIU, TxCID, TxCAU, TxCAD, UU)
- triaxial tests with measures of wave velocity Vp and Vs polarized on principal planes
- direct shear (DS)
- ring shear (RS)
- constant head permability measures
- dicrect permeability measure (flow pump)
- compction (Proctor Test) and California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Cyclic and dynamic tests
- cyclic triaxial test (TXC)
- cyclic simple shear test (CSS)
- cyclic torsional shear test (CTS)
- Vp and Vs measures by bender and compression elements (BE e CE)
- resonant column (RC)
Rock testing
- physical characterisation
- direct permeability
- uniaxial compressive strength
- triaxial compressive strength with Hoek cell
- tensile strength (Brazilian test)
- joint direct shear strength
In addition the lab can perform the following advanced tests:
- large diameter (D=150 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm) triaxial tests, monotonic and cyclic loading with cell pressure up to 2.5 MPa
- large direct shear and pull-out (0.7x0.7 m)
- triaxial tests with measure of axial and radial local deformations
- K0 oedometer (with measure of horizontal stress)
- high temperature (<120 °C) and high pressure (<20 MPa) triaxial test (HITEP)
- triaxial test with extrusion pressure measurement
- direct shear test with controlled normal shear stiffness (DS-CNS)